VLP - A Day at the BMC Fair Debt Collection Lawyer for the Day Project

Tuesday September 28

  • By: VLP/SPJ
  • Time: 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
  • Location:
    99 Chauncy Street
    Suite 400
    Boston , MA
  • Contact:
    If you have questions, contact Emily Jarrell
    Sign up online at http://vlp.volunteerhub.com/Events/Browse.aspx
  • Website: vlp.volunteerhub.com
  • Source: Massachusetts > Volunteer Lawyers Project of the Boston Bar Association

This training will prepare volunteer attorneys to assist low-income, unrepresented debtors and creditors in their civil collection lawsuits. At this training we will discuss Limited Assistance Representation at the Boston Municipal Court, civil procedure at the BMC as well as the important areas of consumer law and Fair Debt Collection which will help you as a volunteer at the Attorney for the Day table.

At the Fair Debt Collection Lawyer for the Day project, volunteer attorneys assist low-income debtors and creditors on Wednesdays at the Boston Municipal Court in the Brooke Courthouse on a Limited Assistance Representation (LAR) basis. LAR means that the attorney only represents the client in the proceeding (case management conference, motion, etc.) before the court that day. The representation begins and ends on the same day. The project is a joint effort of the Volunteer Lawyers Project, Senior Partners for Justice, and the Litigation Section of the Boston Bar Association.

This project offers attorney a unique opportunity to get courtroom experience in a supportive and collegial environment. Because representation is limited to one day, it is also a good project for busy attorneys who want to help but have limited time. For all, this project is a great way to meet and network with other attorneys.

VLP trainings are offered free of charge to active volunteers. Please see the VLP Training Policy.
