Bankruptcy Pro Se Assistance Desk

Tuesday July 20

  • By: Legal Assistance Foundation (LAF) of Metropolitan Chicago
  • Time: 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
  • Time Zone: Central Time (US & Canada)
  • Location:
    111 W Jackson Suite 300
    Chicago, IL
  • Contact:
    Serena Larkin
  • Website:

The Bankruptcy Pro Se Assistance Desk is a resource established by the Legal Assistance Foundation (LAF) of Metropolitan Chicago for individuals to obtain high-quality, free legal advice at any stage of a consumer bankruptcy (chapters 7 and 13 only). It operates out of the Dirksen Federal Building (219 S Dearborn), every weekday morning, to provide thousands of pro se filers each year with the tools to successfully execute their respective cases.

If you are an attorney with experience in consumer bankruptcy cases (one year preferred), and you would like to volunteer with the Bankruptcy Pro Se Assistance Desk, please join us for this orientation and training.
