Engaging Hard-to-Reach and Vulnerable Homeowners The Impact of Foreclosures on Tenants
Tuesday July 20
- By: Fordham University School of Law
- Time: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
- Time Zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada)
St. George's Library Center5 Central AvenueStaten Island, NY
- Website: law.fordham.edu
- Source: New York > Foreclosure
The program will provide: an overview of the foreclosure problem in New York City; a summary of the foreclosure process; and a description of the impact of foreclosures on tenants, including their rights to obtain repairs and prevent evictions during and after foreclosure.
The program will also cover hard-to-reach homeowners who are especially vulnerable to foreclosures. Presenters will discuss how to engage these homeowners and review resources and specialized foreclosure prevention services provided by the City of New York and not-for-profit organizations.
The program is geared to community leaders, front line staff at nonprofits and government agencies, and the staff of elected officials.
The presenters will be:
* Josiah Madar, Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy at NYU
* April A. Newbauer, The Legal Aid Society
* Louise Seeley, City-Wide Task Force on Housing Court
* Lucy Raimes, Center for New York City Neighborhoods
To register please go to: http://law.fordham.edu/Statenisland2010