2010 Update on Avoiding Foreclosure: The Practicalities of Dealing with Mortgages in Arrears (Telephone Replay)

Thursday April 29

  • By: Virginia Continuing Legal Education
  • CLE Credit
  • Location:
    Telephone, VA
  • Website: www.vacle.org
  • Source: Virginia

The foreclosure surge continues. More and more of your clients may be facing the unhappy prospect of losing their homes due to their inability to make mortgage payments in a timely manner. What can you do to help them avoid this potentially life-shattering experience? This timely program will provide the insight and information you need to effectively and ethically counsel your clients.

Looking at mortgage foreclosure from the homeowner's perspective, this program is designed for general practitioners and real estate attorneys who do not specialize in bankruptcy practice. You'll gain an understanding of possible defenses to foreclosures in Virginia and various options available to your clients when faced with foreclosure.


Understanding mortgage foreclosure and the options available to your clients to help them avoid losing their homes, including:

• Securitization - How it affects foreclosure
• Short sales
• Mortgage modification programs
• Chapter 13 of the Bankruptcy Code
• Truth in Lending Act
... and more



At the end of the program, you can push a number on your touch-tone phone and be placed in a queue for questions. When it's your turn, you enter the conference call in a mode that allows your question to be heard by the speakers and the rest of the telephone audience. The speakers will then discuss the question with you.

  • CLE Credit Comments: MCLE Credits: 2.0