Haitian Immigration Legal Assistance Program (HILAP) Volunteer Attorney Legal Clinic

Wednesday February 03

  • By: Brooklyn Defender Services, Brooklyn Bar Volunteer Lawyers Project, Brooklyn Women's Bar
  • Time: 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
  • CLE Credit
  • Location:
    Brooklyn Bar Association Auditorium
    123 Remsen Street, 1st Floor
    Brooklyn, NY
  • Source: New York

The Volunteer Lawyers Project is pleased to be partnering with Brooklyn Defender Services, the Brooklyn Bar Association and the Brooklyn Women's Bar to provide legal assistance to Haitian immigrants who may be eligible for Temporary Protected Status (TPS).

Thousands of Haitian immigrants currently live in Brooklyn. In the wake of last month's devastating earthquake, Haitian immigrants living in the US on the date of the earthquake were granted the right to apply for TPS. Volunteer lawyers are needed to staff temporary legal clinics at which they will give advice about TPS and assist in filling out applications.

For more information about the training and the program, please see the attached registration flyer.

Program Costs:
This course is FREE to those who agree to volunteer at the Haitian Immigration Legal Assistance Program (HAILAP).

To Register:
Return attached registration form, fax it to 718-624-3926, or email requested info to kate@brooklynvlp.org
