Advanced Topics in Contested Divorces

Thursday December 03

  • By: Her Justice, Inc., White & Case LLP
  • Time: 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • CLE Credit
  • Location:
    White & Case LLP
    1155 Avenue of the Americas
    New York, NY
  • Contact:
    Colleen Boyne
    Her Justice
  • Website:
  • Source: New York > Family Offense Petition

Attorneys will receive advanced substantive training on common and complex topics that arise in contested divorce matters. This training will focus in greater detail than our basic trainings on such issues as:

  • equitable distribution of marital property, including pensions and real estate
  • child custody including custodial relocation
  • child support in non-traditional family situations such as split or shared custody
  • financial discovery
  • motion practice and
  • settlement negotiations

This training, in conjunction with the basic contested divorce training, will provide participants with the needed skills to address the most complex issues confronted in many contested divorce matters.

Each of our expert presenters is a Supervising Attorney at inMotion who has been practicing for over 15 years. Attendees will have an opportunity to learn from their years of experience about some of the more interesting and complex challenges of contested divorce matters.

This training is appropriate for both beginning attorneys and practicing attorneys. A contested divorce case will be assigned at the training or shortly thereafter to those attendees not already handling a contested divorce referred by inMotion. Attorneys can work on the case individually or as part of a team of two or more attorneys.

The assigned pro bono case will require one or more court appearance.


Open to attorneys who are currently working on inMotion-referred contested divorce matters in Supreme Court; attorneys who have prior experience or training in these areas and are willing to take on a new pro bono matter; and attorneys without prior training in these areas who obtain basic training materials from inMotion prior to taking on a new pro bono matter.

Please note that this training is only open to attorneys from corporate law firms. If you have any questions, please email Colleen Boyne at

It is strongly recommended that participants also attend inMotion's training on Litigating Contested Divorces on November 5th or view this training on video prior to taking on a new matter.

  • CLE Credit Comments: 3 CLE credits upon course completion 1.5 skills / 1.0 professional practice / 0.5 ethics Up to 6 CLE pro bono credits for providing an inMotion client with direct legal representation (1 skills credit for every 300 minutes, up to a maximum of 6 credits per attorney registration period).