Intro to Legal Services: Free Webinars for Deferred Associates and New Attorneys

Monday December 07

  • By: Legal Aid Association of California, Public Interest Clearinghouse
  • Time: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • CLE Credit
  • Location:
    Online, CA
  • Contact:
    Vivian Chen
    415-834-0100 x312
  • Source: CALegalAdvocates (Decommissioned) >

Intro to Legal Services: Trainings For Deferred Associates and New Attorneys

The Public Interest Clearinghouse (PIC) and the Legal Aid Association of California (LAAC) are pleased to announce a FREE training series for deferred associates in public interest placements. The course is designed as a 9-part series of webinars to introduce deferred associates to legal services work (including the structure of the community in CA and the history of legal services), some issue-spotting on core poverty law issues (housing, immigration, public benefits, etc) and an introduction to skills (client interviewing, cultural competency, etc.)

How Does it Work?
This webinar series consists of 1-hour FREE, live, interactive programs that you listen to and view online. The trainings will take place over lunch using conference call and web-based meetings - no travel, no cost - just great training. There is a question and answer period following the substantive lecture during the last 5-10 minutes of each program. Registrants receive emails before each training with the link and easy-to-follow instructions on how to join the online meeting. LAAC and PIC staff will assist with logging into the online meeting as needed.

2009 Intro to Legal Services Trainings for Deferred Associates
All trainings are held Mondays from noon to 1:00pm

To register for each training, please click on each highlighted link.

Each webinar is approved for one hour of MCLE general credit.
The Legal Aid Association of California is a State Bar of California approved MCLE provider.

** This webinar is approved for one hour of MCLE Legal Ethics credit.