Law Firm Legal Aid: Humanitarian Opportunity or Lost Year?

Thursday July 30

  • By: ABA Commission on Racial & Ethnic Diversity in the Profession, Standing Committee on Pro Bono and the Center for Pro Bono
  • Time: 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
  • Location:
    Hyatt Regency Chicago
    Picasso, Bronze Level, West Tower
    Chicago, IL

The storm of the economic crises continues to rain heavily on law firms across the country. Lay offs, delayed start dates for new associates, furloughs for current associates. Many law firm associates have turned to the non-profit
world for opportunities to do pro bono work until the clouds pass.

For many local and international NGOs and government entities, the interest in pro bono and government work has been overwhelming. What are the challenges associated with preparing attorney's for non-profit and government assignments? Are these opportunities being offered to a diverse pool of attorneys or a select few? What is the competitive impact on established non-profit or government lawyers?

How will NGOs and governments cope with the end to this "boom" in available talent when the economy turns around? How will this affect attorney career development and what are the challenges associated with reintegrating? This program will examine these questions and the broader ramifications of the economic crisis on the legal profession.

Program Moderator: Anita Kadala, Principal, Fish & Richardson P.C.


  • Dan Lesser, Senior Attorney, Sargent Shriver National Poverty Law Center
  • Latonia Haney Keith, Pro Bono and Community Service Counsel, McDermott Will & Emery LLP
  • Larry A. Green, Vice-President, Winston & Green, Legal Recruiting Firm
  • Naomi Avendaño, Deputy Corporation Counsel, City of Chicago Department of Law
  • Kendra N. Thompson, Staff Attorney, ACLU of Illinois