Supplemental Needs Trusts

Wednesday August 12

  • By: Community Service Society/Center for Benefits and Services
  • Time: 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
  • Location:
    Community Service Society
    105 East 22nd Street, 4th Floor
    New York, NY
  • Contact:
    Migdalia Molina
    Community Service Society
    212 614-5497
  • Website:

This training will give background on Supplemental Needs Trusts generally, and then will focus on use of the trust for the purpose of eliminating the Medicaid spenddown - how the client's income goes into the trust and how the trust pays the expenses. The training will give background information on these trusts including who can use them, how the trusts affect SSI and Medicaid, what expenses the trust may pay. for the client and the different types of trusts - "pooled trusts" vs. individual trusts. Also included will be the rules about placing excess resources or assets into the trust and what happens to the remaining assets when the client dies. Cost of workshop is $40.00.
