2009 European Pro Bono Forum

Thursday November 05 -
Friday November 06 2009

  • By: Public Interest Law Initiative (PILI)
  • Location:
    Hotel Novotel Centrum
    Rakoczi ut 43-45
    Budapest, Hungary
  • Website: www.pili.org

The 2009 European Pro Bono Forum will tackle the effects of the global economic crisis on pro bono practice, focusing particularly on how to meet the changing needs of NGOs through innovative solutions.

The Forum will offer separate yet complementary streams, providing in-depth coverage of the following themes, among others:

  • Models for institutionalizing and promoting pro bono practice worldwide, including clearinghouses, taking into consideration the fact that "one size does not fit all." The Forum will explore models currently thriving in Central and Eastern Europe and how to implement similar structures in Western Europe, where active efforts are already under way;
  • Real challenges faced by NGOs in the midst of the financial crisis, and strategies for engaging donors and maximizing partnerships to achieve sustainability through innovative means;
  • Using pro bono practice to protect and advance human rights and environmental protection; and
  • Strategies for moving volunteer legal help beyond city centers to outlying areas, attracting more local firms and solo practitioners to pro bono practice.

Once again, the NGO Marketplace will provide NGO representatives and lawyers the opportunity to meet face to face and to address the legal needs of the NGOs and the communities they serve.

Mark Elborne, General Counsel for Europe & European Regulatory Affairs (General Electric), will be an opening speaker. Elborne, who is at the forefront of GE's commitment to advance the rule of law, works with governments and diverse communities to promote ethical behavior.

We welcome lawyers from law firms, solo practitioners, corporate counsel, representatives of non-profit and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), academics, students and anyone interested in promoting volunteer legal practice to attend this timely event.

The need for innovation in leveraging private sector resources for the public good has never been greater. Commit now to expanding pro bono practice in Europe and beyond.