Food Stamps Part 2: Food Stamp Budgeting

Wednesday June 10

  • By: Community Service Society of NY- Center for Benefit and Services
  • Time: 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
  • Location:
    105 East 22nd Street
    Conference Room 4A
    New York, NY
  • Contact:
    Migdalia Molina
    Community Service Society
    212 614-5497
  • Website:

Once basic Food Stamp eligibility is understood, the advocate should know the nuances of the Food Stamp budgeting process. This workshop focuses on budgeting for various household circumstances and how to determine the correct benefit amount. You will learn about special budgeting procedures for households with elderly, disabled, immigrant, and the homeless and how to best assist these clients. Also covered are retroactive Food Stamps when accepted for SSI benefits and budgeting when in receipt of a housing subsidy such as FEPS or Work Advantage. Cost of workshop is $40.00

Note: This is an advanced training, knowledge of Food Stamps, Overview and Application, is required.
