Housing Law and Practice for Pro Bono Attorneys: From Case Law Analysis to Resolution

Wednesday March 25

  • By: AVLF (Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Foundation)
  • Time: 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
  • CLE Credit
  • Location:
    State Bar of Georgia Conference Center
    104 Marietta St.
    Atlanta, GA
  • Source: Georgia

Lunch provided

In the current economy it is more important than ever for low-income families to be able to resolve disputes effectively with their landlords, housing authorities, utility companies and others who have a direct impact on their housing. Unrepresented, these families are much more likely to lose their homes through legal or illegal eviction, to have their utilities terminated, or to remain in unsafe, unhealthy living environments for prolonged periods of time. These outcomes have a terrible impact not only on the individual families, but also on the communities in which they live and on our City as a whole. It is no surprise that over the past year, AVLF's Saturday Lawyer Program has become dominated by housing-related legal problems and that the demand for assistance in eviction proceedings is rising. This training will be a hands-on, practical workshop designed to help attorneys understand the current legal environment in relation to housing, interview clients, identify and analyze legal issues, and efficiently resolve the most common types of housing issues presented. through our Saturday Lawyer Program. It will be helpful for anyone who is interested in helping low-income families maintain safe and stable housing.

For more information and to register, click HERE.

  • CLE Credit Comments: 6 CLE hours, including 1 Professionalism