Ethics in the Afternoon CLE

Thursday April 16

  • By: Volunteer Legal Services Project of Monroe County, Inc, ProBonoNY LSC funded
  • Time: 12:45 PM - 5:30 PM
  • CLE Credit
  • Location:
    Rochester Plaza Hotel
    70 State Street
    Rochester, NY
  • Contact:
    Linda Kostin
  • Source: New York > Rochester / Finger Lakes

Four credit ethics CLE with reception following. Meet and greet judges, network, enjoy delicious hors d'oeuvres, pasta and stir-fry.

Free in exchange for a commitment to take two VLSP cases. Attorneys from rural counties may attend in exchange for a commitment to take one pro bono case from a local legal services program.

Topics include the new attorney Rules of Professional Conduct effective 4/1/09. See attached registration flyer for more information.
