Public Service Attorney Trial Skills

Monday July 27 -
Friday July 31 2009

  • By: National Institute for Trial Advocacy
  • CLE Credit
  • Location:
    Louisville, CO
  • Contact:
    National Institute for Trial Advocacy
  • Website:

This tuition free program is a national scope, intensive trial skills training program for lawyers working in public service. Following NITA's learning-by-doing format, the program focuses on those trial skills necessary for effective representation of clients in federal and state courts. Included will be workshops on witness examinations, evidence, exhibits, objections, dealing with problem witnesses, opening statements and closing arguments. Case analysis, story telling, and issues of professionalism and ethics will also play a central role in the training.

Each day you will have several opportunities to perform in a simulated trial setting. Following each performance programs instructors will offer constructive feedback on how you could be more effective. Many performances will be video taped allowing you to review the tape in a one-on-one setting with a member of the faculty.

We are accepting seventy-two (72) participants into the program. All registrations will be accepted on a first received basis. No more than two (2) attorneys from a single organization may apply.

  • CLE Credit Comments: Anticipated CLE: 32