Advocacy for Homeless Families: Eligibility for Shelter, Shelter Rights, and Permanent Housing Programs

Monday January 12

  • By: The Legal Aid Society
  • Time: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • CLE Credit
  • Location:
    111 Livingston St., 8th Floor
    Brooklyn, NY
  • Contact:
    Jane Bock

Advocacy for Homeless Families: Eligibility for Shelter, Shelter Rights, and Permanent Housing Programs (7 hours of professional practice CLE credit offered)

Agenda: The morning portion of this training (9 am - 12:30 pm) is designed for those who work with families who are applying for shelter at Path. We will review the components of the ten-day shelter application process, the City's legal obligations relating to eligibility determinations under the McCain settlement, the City's policy of denying shelter to some re-applicants, and advocacy strategies to assist families to establish that they have no other housing available. (This is a repeat of the eligibility training held 11/13.)

The afternoon (1:30 - 5 pm) will cover homeless families' rights and obligations in shelter, including conditions; the Advantage permanent housing programs; foster care issues related to homelessness; and homelessness-related benefits.

Time: Mon., 1/12 9 am to 5 pm (lunch break from 12:30-1:30)

New Location: Legal Aid Society, 111 Livingston Street, 8th Floor Conference Room, Brooklyn (4/5 to Borough Hall, 2/3 to Montague/Court Street, N/M/R to Court Street, or A/F to Jay Street/ Borough Hall).

Trainers: Jane Sujen Bock, Joshua Goldfein, Beile Lindner, Anya Maddow-Zimet, Amanda Moretti, Amy Mulzer of Legal Aid's Homeless Rights Project.

Due to limited space, you must pre-register with Jane Bock, Please send her:
1. Your name and title
2. Your email address (write it into the body of the email)
3. Whether you are a law grad or attorney seeking CLE credit
4. Your office.

Everyone attending for CLE credit must sign in and sign out and complete an evaluation form.
CLE regulations do not permit credit for late arrivals and early departures.
CLE certificates will be distributed at the time of sign out.

  • CLE Credit Comments: 7 CLE credits (professional practice)