Discrimination and Hate Crimes Against South Asians

Wednesday November 19

  • By: South Asian Bar Association of New York, South Asian Americans Leading Together, Asian American Bar Association of New York
  • Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • CLE Credit
  • Location:
    Fordham Law School, 140 W 62nd Street
    Room 310
    New York , NY
  • Contact:
    Nisha Agarwal
    South Asian Bar Association of New York
  • Website: www.sabany.org

Bias and xenophobic sentiment against South Asians has risen dramatically since 9/11. Such bias manifests itself through various forms of discrimination based on ethnicity, national origin, and religion and can occur at the workplace, at school, and at public accommodations.

In this interactive workshop, participants will learn about trends emerging in xenophobic sentiment against South Asians as well as the various forms it takes; protections provided by the federal and New York state legislation for those affected by discrimination and hate crimes; and how attorneys have provide their assistance to local organizations serving survivors of such incidents.

  • CLE Credit Comments: 2.0 CLE credits. This is a transitional course.