Introduction to Immigration Law Training

Thursday June 25 -
Friday June 26 2009

  • By: Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Immigration and Legal Services of Catholic Charities of Dallas
  • Time: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Location:
    Catholic Charities of Dallas, Inc.
    5415 Maple Ave., Suite 400
    Dallas, TX
  • Contact:
    Chris Ozaki
    (415) 394-9371
  • Source: Immigration Advocates Network > IAN Nonprofit Resource Center

This introductory training course is a two-day basic overview of immigration law. Topics covered include immigrating through marriage and other family relationships; the application process for permanent residence; grounds of inadmissibility; affidavits of support; remedies under the Violence Against Women Act; U visas for victims of serious crimes; citizenship; and BIA recognition and accreditation. Recent changes to the law will be included. The training will be presented by Sarah Bronstein, attorney with CLINIC and Debbie Smith, director of the Immigration Advocates Network.


$260 per person for CLINIC affiliates; $780 office location cap ($50 fee per person for more than 3 attendees from same affiliate)
$265 per person for staff of 501(c)(3) non-profit programs; $855 office location cap ($50 fee per person for more than 3 attendees from same office)
$410 per person for private attorneys and their staff
The registration fee includes the training manual, continental breakfast and lunch on both days. CLE credit will be provided.

The training is for the staff of Catholic Charities and other community-based organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) status, and attorneys and legal worker staff of private law offices. As a requirement of registration, if you are registering as staff of a community-based organization, fax a copy of your IRS 501(3) letter designating your agency as a nonprofit entity to CLINIC at 415-394-8696 to the attention of Chris Ozaki. Registration will be confirmed upon receipt of this letter. Payment is by credit card only.

For additional information about the training, go to:

Space is limited. The deadline for registration is June 17th or sooner if registration is filled.
For more information, call Chris Ozaki at (415) 394-9371.

