MCLE - New Child Support Guidelines

Wednesday December 10

  • By: MCLE
  • Time: 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM
  • Location:
    MCLE Conference Center
    10 Winter Place
    Boston, MA
  • Contact:
    Jessica Rubin-Wills
    617-423-0648 x129
  • Source: Massachusetts > Volunteer Lawyers Project of the Boston Bar Association

The Administrative Office of Massachusetts Trial Court is finalizing much-anticipated amendments to child support guidelines that will apply in all cases seeking to calculate, establish, and modify child support orders in Massachusetts. The new guidelines, which are expected to be finalized by a special task force commissioned by the Trial Court, will have a significant impact upon the economic outcomes of divorce settlements in the Commonwealth.

In response to this new development, Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) will present child support guidelines trainings during November and December of 2008 in five locations across the Commonwealth - in Worcester, Andover, Springfield, Boston and Taunton. The curriculum for the programs will be designed in consultation with members of the task force, who will participate on each of the faculty panels to teach lawyers the practical implications of the extensive changes.

Historically, the child support guidelines have helped to minimize the economic impact on the child of family dissolution; encourage joint parental responsibility for child support in proportion to, or as a percentage of, parents income; ensure that a childs standard of living is maintained despite family break-up; allow for non-monetary contributions of parents; minimize problems of proof for the parties and of administration for the courts; and allow for orders and wage assignments that may adjust as parents financial situations change. It is expected that the revised guidelines will reflect changes in families financial status in relation to a changing economic climate in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.


* Linda A. Ouellette, Esq., Chair, Seegel, Lipshutz & Wilchins, PC, Wellesley Hills
* Hon. Paula M. Carey, Probate and Family Court, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Boston
* Robert J. Rivers, Jr., Esq., Lee & Levine LLP, Boston
* Marilyn Ray Smith, Esq., Department of Revenue, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Boston

More course and registration information at MCLE website.

VLP offers vouchers for active panel members who would like to take any half-day or full-day course at MCLE for only $25.00. To request a voucher through VLP, please contact Jessica Rubin-Wills at

or 617-423-0648 x129 at least one week before the course you would like to attend. We will send you a voucher that you can use to register directly with MCLE.