Advocating against the Death Penalty Using a Pro-Victim Approach

Wednesday September 10

  • By: The Advocates for Human Rights, Dorsey & Whitney
  • Time: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • CLE Credit
  • Location:
    Dorsey & Whitney
    50 South Sixth Street, Seattle Room 15th Floor
    Minneapolis, MN
  • Contact:
    Rosalyn Park
    The Advocates for Human Rights
    612-341-3302 ext. 10
  • Website:

In recent years, the movement to abolish the death penalty has shifted from an offender-centered approach to one more focused on the victim. Jennifer Bishop-Jenkins will describe the importance of taking a victim-centered approach in advocacy against capital punishment. Jennifer will discuss the historical relationship between the victim and prosecutor and how it has proven sometimes problematic for victims. Finally, she will describe the importance of independent victim advocacy in criminal proceedings, using the example of Defense Initiated Victim Outreach (DIVO), and its ethical implications. This talk is a brown bag lunch. Beverages will be provided. Application will be made for one CLE credit.

  • CLE Credit Comments: Application will be made for one CLE credit.
  • Attachment(s): Sept 10.doc