Deposition Skills: Arizona

Thursday November 20 -
Saturday November 22 2008

  • By: National Institute for Trial Advocacy
  • CLE Credit
  • Location:
    Arizona State University Mercado Center
    502 E. Monroe St.
    Phoenix, AZ
  • Contact:
    National Institute for Trial Advocacy
  • Website:
  • Source: Colorado

Put yourself in a realistic deposition setting and discover the questioning style that best fits your personality and skills. Deposition Skills provides a strong framework for basic techniques and explores a variety of questioning methods, including our unique "funnel technique" that helps you navigate the time-sensitive nature of today's deposition settings. The result is that witnesses are encouraged to give expansive, exhaustive answers, providing other potential sources of information, and that other avenues of escape are closed.

Participants also learn to theory-test on subjects of importance to the case. You will receive supportive, helpful suggestions on how to improve performance using NITA's learning-by-doing method. A portion of the program is also devoted to ethical considerations in deposition settings and witness preparation.

  • CLE Credit Comments: Estimated CLE credits: 17