DC Bar Pro Bono Partnership (PART) Kickoff Luncheon

Tuesday September 23

  • By: DC Bar Pro Bono Program
  • Time: 11:45 AM - 2:00 PM
  • Location:
    Arnold & Porter LLP, 555 Twelfth Street, N.W.
    Washington, DC
  • Contact:
    Taylor Berry
    DC Bar Pro Bono Program
    202.737.4700 ext. 40
  • Website: www.dcbar.org
  • Source: Dist. of Columbia

The annual DC Bar Pro Bono Partnership (PART) Fall Kickoff Luncheon will take place on Tuesday, September 23rd. Because these meetings typically draw a large crowd, Arnold & Porter LLP has graciously offered to host the event. The Pro Bono Fair begins at 11:45, followed by lunch at 12:15 and a program of interest to the DC legal community. We also look forward to introducing Bob Spagnoletti, the new president of the DC Bar. As we move closer to September, make sure to check your inboxes for an update agenda. Please direct any questions to Taylor Berry, Project Coordinator, DC Bar Pro Bono Program. Email: tberry@dcbar.org.

  • CLE Credit Comments: No CLE Credits