Lawyers' Foreclosure Intervention Network

Wednesday June 18 -
Thursday June 19 2008

  • By: Federal Reserve Bank of New York, The New York City Bar Association
  • Time: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • CLE Credit
  • Location:
    New York City Bar
    42 W 44th Street
    New York, NY
  • Contact:
    Carol Bockner
  • Source: New York

Wondering how you can help homeowners affected by foreclosures in New York City?

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the City Bar Justice Center have organized a pro bono program to assist New Yorkers facing the prospect of foreclosure.

The Lawyers' Foreclosure Intervention Network (LFIN) training will enable participating lawyers to:
• Assist homeowners in understanding and assessing their options to avoid foreclosure.
• Learn to negotiate with homeowners' creditors and represent homeowners before bankruptcy or other courts.
• Earn free CLE credit. (Attendees are expected to provide assistance to at least one client in return for the free CLE.)

We saw a real need in the community for additional legal assistance. If the project is successful, it may become a model for other areas of the country. We are looking to the legal and financial services communities to help address this important community need.
- Thomas C. Baxter Jr., General Counsel & Executive Vice President, Legal Group, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

To RSVP contact Carol Bockner at
