Charitable Solicitations & Beyond: Tax Exempt Organizations and Joint Ventures

Monday May 19

  • By: City Bar Center for CLE
  • Time: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • CLE Credit
  • Location:
    New York City Bar Association
    42 West 44th Street, 2nd Floor
    New York, NY
  • Contact:
    The City Bar Center for CLE
    The City Bar Center for CLE
  • Website:

"Charitable Solicitations & Beyond: What Tax Exempt Organizations Should Know To Succeed In Joint Ventures" will be held on Monday, May 19, 2008 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at The New York City Bar.

Charities are increasingly partnering with for profit companies anxious to market their products and services through a "cause-related marketing" arrangement. Many charities that need new and creative ways to "fundraise" are connecting with companies like L'Oreal, Starbucks and Target, to name a few, to generate much needed, public monies. These "joint-venture" affiliations are heavily regulated such that the charity and the businesses involved must be aware of their respective compliance issues.

This program will address the federal and state regulatory environment including practical ways that charities can be successful in these arrangements. In this interactive program, the presenters will work from a fact pattern developed to illustrate the relevant issues and real-life scenarios. Tax and related issues will also be addressed.

Non-legal professionals are entitled to our member rate. 50% discounts off of member and non-member prices are available for government and public interest attorneys, students and academics. Registering 4 or more attorneys or allied professionals from the same firm? Receive an additional 20% discount off of the member and non-member prices. In addition, if your firm has less than 10 attorneys, you can receive a 20% discount if 2 or more attorneys attend.

  • CLE Credit Comments: This program provides 4 credits in professional practice.