The Americans with Disabilities Act and its Applicability to Welfare Programs -- Part II

Wednesday April 30

This training is the follow-up to the training on the Americans with Disabilities Act and its Applicability to Welfare Programs held in June 2007. After a brieft recap of the requirements of the ADA as they apply to welfare programs, the training will take an in-depth look at how advocates can use HRA and OTDA ADA policies in their advocacy on behalf of clients. Using hypothetical cases, the training will work through how an advocate could use the ADA in advocacy on behalf of an individual. The training will also provide an opportunity to attendees to discuss their own cases and explore how the ADA can be used. Finally, the training will also provide an opportunity for attendees to discuss their own cases and explore how te ADA can be used. Finally, the training will also provide an opportunity for New York City benefits advocates to have an extended discussion regarding how we can use our resources more collaboratively and strategically to address HRA ADA compliance problems. *PLEASE NOTE that this training is for ADVOCATES ONLY;staff of government agencies will not be permitted to attend.
