Medicaid Home Care Advocacy Training

Friday June 06

  • By: Selfhelp Community Services Inc.
  • Time: 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM
  • CLE Credit
  • Location:
    Selfhelp Community Services, Inc.
    520 Eighth Ave, 5th Floor
    New York, NY
  • Contact:
    Liz Price
    Selfhelp Community Services, Inc.,

This full-day in-depth training will provide in-depth instruction on advocacy strategies for applying for and obtaining sufficient hours of Medicaid home care to enable a person with chronic disabilities to remain at home safely. Information on pertinent regulations and numerous court cases that affect the assessment standards will be provided, along with fair hearing strategies.

  • CLE Credit Comments: Application for accreditation of this course or program in New York is currently pending, for 7.0 hours of Professional Practice credit, and for approval as a New York CLE transitional program. CLE credit for remote online participation only available for attorneys admitted 2+ years, upon filing requisite certificate of attendance on form provided, subject to approval of accreditation.
  • Attachment(s): HC Training Announcement7.pdf