Training the Lawyer to Represent the Whole Child

Monday June 09 -
Friday June 13 2008

  • By: NITA
  • Location:
    Hofstra University School of Law
    Hempstead, NY
  • Contact:
    National Institute for Trial Advocacy
  • Website:

Quality representation for children is one of NITA's top priorities. Unfortunately, each year thousands of children find themselves involved in some type of legal action (juvenile delinquency, abuse and neglect, divorce, and custody disputes, among others).

NITA's Child Advocacy programs utilize a variety of specially designed case files that cover such topics as dependency/neglect, delinquency, and custody. By working through these files, participants learn to assemble solutions that look to the best interests of the child and focus on representing the whole child.

Compelling, current subject matter and a diverse mix of instructors-from nationally recognized experts in children's issues to psychologists, social workers, and mediators-combine to create a rich learning by doing environment.
