On Their Own: Protecting the Rights of Immigrant Children

Thursday April 03 -
Saturday April 05 2008

  • By: National Immigrant Justice Center, The John Marshall Law School, Chicago Bar Association
  • CLE Credit
  • Location:
    The John Marshall Law School
    315 S. Plymouth Court
    Chicago, IL
  • Website: www.immigrantjustice.org
  • Source: Immigration Advocates Network > IAN Nonprofit Resource Center

Register now for the Third Annual Conference on Unaccompanied Immigrant Children. The conference brings together legal advocates from both private and nonprofit organizations, government representatives, and policy makers across the country to examine current challenges, best practices, and policies that impact the lives of unaccompanied immigrant children. In addition, it provides an excellent opportunity for advocates to learn more about legal issues facing immigrant children, build useful skills, and brainstorm new ideas on ways to further the protection of unaccompanied immigrant children in the United States.

PLUS The Second Migration & Child Welfare National Network Conference will take place in Chicago April 1-3, 2008. Registrants from the Conference on Unaccompanied Immigrant Children will receive free admission to a special joint session in conjunction with this conference on the morning of April 3. This session provides participants a rare opportunity to share experiences with colleagues in the social work field and develop holistic models that will help us all better serve the needs of immigrant youth.

Register early to receive a discount!

Early Bird Registration (before March 8): $200

After February 29: $250

Click here to learn more.

  • CLE Credit Comments: CLE credit applied for in Illinois.