Courthouse Landlord/Tenant Project

Tuesday November 20

  • By: VLSP - Bar Association of San Francisco
  • Time: 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • CLE Credit
  • Location:
    301 Battery Street
    3rd floor
    San Francisco, CA
  • Contact:
    VLSP Coordinator
  • Source: Bay Area

Our training teaches the basics of representing low-income tenants who are facing eviction. New volunteer attorneys are needed to staff unlawful detainer settlement conferences and provide limited scope representation to un-represented litigants during these mandatory settlement conferences. Strategy considerations for the conference as well as tips for drafting settlement agreements are discussed. This project is a great way to gain courtroom and litigation experience.

A commitment to take at least four settlement conference shifts within the next six months of the training is required to attend. Immediately following the training, participants will sign up for their first settlement conference shift.

Participants must be licensed with the California State Bar and have active or emeritus status at the time of the training. Volunteer application must be submitted in order to register for the training. Registration will close at 5pm the day before the training.
