Project Homeless Connect

Friday December 07

  • By: VLSP, Mayor's Office of Community Development
  • Time: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
  • Location:
    Bill Graham Civic Center Auditorium
    San Francisco, CA
  • Contact:
    Ruby Corral
  • Website:
  • Source: Bay Area

Project Homeless Connect Logo

What is Project Homeless Connect?

Every six to eight weeks Mayor Gavin Newsom's office and city agencies partner with non-profits to serve the homeless at the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium in San Francisco. Project Homeless Connect (PHC) serves over 1000 homeless people, providing them with food, clothing and health, social and legal services all at once, in one single place. PHC has been operating for nearly two years, and BASF's Volunteer Legal Services Program (VLSP) has been involved from the start, providing volunteer advocates and lawyers in the SSI area, and, more recently, running the Legal Area.

Who Can Volunteer?

Attorneys with experience in landlord-tenant, criminal, consumer or employment law can meet with clients, offering brief advice and sometimes helping them draft letters or fill out legal forms. Newer attorneys, or attorneys without this experience, can be invaluable, doing intake with the clients, listening to their stories and helping us to discern the nature of the legal problems presented. All of this work is very rewarding, and gives the volunteer a unique window into a world we usually just catch a glimpse of as we rush by on the street.

We are hoping to fill entire half-days or whole days with volunteers. Volunteers will receive an orientation 45 minutes before they begin interacting with clients. Volunteer shifts available are the following:
8:30am - 1:00pm and/or 12:00pm - 4:30pm

For more information about
Project Homeless Connect or to sign up for a shift, please contact:

Ruby Corral
VLSP Volunteer Coordinator
